8 Essential Tips to Survive the Streets of Birmingham

In Peaky Blinders: The King’s Ransom, you will dive into an immersive criminal underworld, encounter iconic characters from the TV show, and engage in fast-paced shootouts as you unravel a plot that puts the fate of the country in your hands.

Life on the gritty streets of 1920s Birmingham and London is tough. You will need to keep your wits about you as you perform a mix of puzzle-solving, detective work, and gunplay in order to rise up the ranks of the notorious Shelby crime gang. 

Here are eight gameplay tips to get you started and help you get the most out of your experience.

Tip #1: Check your journal for your current objective


The game is full of missions and tasks that you need to complete to advance the story. Sometimes, you might forget what you are supposed to do next or where to go. That's why you have a journal that keeps track of your progress and objectives.

To access your journal, reach over your left shoulder and press the grab button to equip it. Then, you can flip through the pages and see what you need to do next.

Tip #2: Explore all of the environments fully

The game has a lot of detail and realism in its environments, from the streets of Small Heath to the docks of London.

You can interact with many objects in the world, such as desk drawers, cupboards, dustbins, and obstacles. Some of them might contain useful items or clues that will help you with your missions. So, don't be afraid to be curious and look around every corner.

Tip #3: Break open boxes with white lids

Sometimes, you might come across boxes with white lids that look like they can be opened. These boxes usually contain items or collectibles. However, they are sealed tight and you will need something to break them open.

Look around the environment and see if you can find something that can smash them, such as a crowbar, a hammer, or a brick. 

Tip #4: Look for red ammo boxes to reload your gun

The game has a lot of action and combat scenes where you need to use your gun to fight off enemies or protect yourself. However, your gun has limited ammo, and you need to reload it from time to time.

To do that, you need to find the red ammo boxes that are scattered around the levels. When you see one, grab the ammo clip from it, and bring it close to your gun to reload it automatically.

Tip #5: Remove notes from your journal

Your journal is not only useful for keeping track of your objectives, but also for storing notes that you find or receive during the game. These notes might contain important information or clues that will help you with your missions or reveal more about the story and characters.

To read a note, grab your journal by reaching over your left shoulder and pressing the grab button. Then, select the note section. If you want to take the note out of your journal and keep it in your hand, reach for it and press the grab button again.

Tip #6: Recover your health over time

The game is not easy, and you will face many dangers and enemies that will try to hurt you or kill you.

If you take damage during combat, the outer edges of the screen will turn red to indicate that you have lost health. Your health will be restored over time, and the red damage indicator will disappear to show that you have recovered to full health. However, if you take too much damage in a short period of time, you will die and have to restart from the last checkpoint.

Tip #7: Look for lanterns to help you see in the dark

Some parts of the game are very dark and hard to see in, such as basements, tunnels, or warehouses. This can make it difficult to navigate or find items or enemies. To help you see better in these situations, look for lanterns in the environment. These can be carried and ignited with your lighter to provide some light in the area. 

Tip #8: Press the right thumbstick to crouch

Crouching is a useful skill that can help you in many ways during the game. You can use crouch to take cover from enemy gunfire, enter hidden locations, and discover secrets.

Peaky Blinders: The King’s Ransom is available now for Meta Quest 2 and PICO 4 VR headsets. Prove you have what it takes to join the infamous Shelby gang in an exciting VR action-adventure based on the epic gangster drama!  

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